John Graham

Iqaluit, Nunavut

Mr. Graham has been an Officer in the Canadian Reserve Forces since 1985. He has been a resident of Iqaluit, Nunavut since 1976 and has the demanding job of manager of the local airport. Despite this hectic career, Mr. Graham is a dedicated volunteer, working as the local Cadet Leader and with the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 168 as the Nunavut District Commander. Mr. Graham has been instrumental in assisting Veterans Affairs Canada in conducting commemorative activities in Nunavut. Mr. Graham is always happy to plan an event, even though he knows that most of the work will fall on his capable shoulders, due to the long distance from the Veterans Affairs office. In the past year alone, Mr. Graham has organized events for the 90th Anniversary of Vimy Ridge, the 65th Anniversary of the Dieppe Raid and the local Remembrance Day ceremony.