John (Jack) Gammon

Jack is a Veteran of the Korean War and served with the Canadian Armed Forces from 1952 to 1955. He is also a life member of The Royal Canadian Legion. In 2002, he was appointed chairman of the Poppy Trust Fund. As chairman, Jack worked diligently to ensure the campaigns are successful and that the funds are allocated to deserving organizations in a timely and fair manner. He liaises with schools in the community and also with the Girl Guides and Cadets, ensuring they are set up to participate in the Poppy Campaign. M. Gammon also helps arrange the Poetry, Essay and Poster Program, putting advertising in schools, making sure entries are submitted on time, and managing the awards ceremonies for the competition winners. As for the Legion's bursary program, he ensures the entries are properly submitted, and that the certificates and the bursaries themselves are received by the school in time for graduation. Additionally, M. Gammon has also been a volunteer driver for the Legion for the past 10 years and he was part of a committee set up to review and try to change the criteria for entry into the Ste. Anne's Veterans Hospital. In 2013, he was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for his loyalty to his country and dedication to his community as well as the Life Membership in the Legion for his outstanding service to the Legion and his community. In 2013, he was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for his loyalty to his country and dedication to his community as well as the Life Membership in the Legion for his outstanding service to the Legion and his community.