John Kennedy

Alliston, Ontario

Mr. John Kennedy has a long career in police work, including a post with the Royal Canadian Air Force as a policeman. During this time, he served four years in Europe with NATO and also with the United Nations in the Middle East. He is a Life Member of Royal Canadian Legion Branch 171 in Alliston, where he has served on the executive as well as Poppy Chairman. Mr. Kennedy also serves as Treasurer of 734 Air Cadet Squadron. He has distinguished himself in his community by his many volunteer efforts, including raising funds for hospitals, retirement homes and local manors. He is always ready, willing and able when called upon to speak to students, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides and cadet units. In addition to his compassion and sincerity, those who have witnessed Mr. Kennedy speak have indicated they are truly blessed to have him share his knowledge with students and are appreciative of the lessons in life that he imparts to children.