John McDermott

Mr. McDermott is an international recording star, known for his rendition of Danny Boy and other traditional Scottish and Irish songs. His father, Peter, and his uncle, Michael, fought in the Second World War. Michael, who served with the Gordon Highlanders, died as a prisoner of war. Mr. McDermott is well-known for his support of Veterans and those currently serving in uniform. Last year, Mr. McDermott toured Canada performing songs from his album "Journeys" including the moving rendition of Bringing Buddy Home, which is a tribute to fallen soldiers. A portion of the proceeds of this album last year benefitted Canada Company. This charity, established in 2006, provides enhanced medical care and training to returning Forces members, and supports families of the fallen. Mr. McDermott's contribution was used for the charity's scholarship fund for the children of those who lost their lives. Mr. McDermott has also established McDermott House Canada, a foundation which is working toward the expansion and renovation of the palliative care unit of the Veteran's Wing at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto. This initiative aims to bring improved quality of care for individuals who are terminally ill, coupled with a welcoming place to stay for Veterans, members of the military and their families. Mr. McDermott is an honorary member of the War Amps and recipient of one of the highest honours the United States bestows on civilians - the Congressional Medal of Honor Society's Bob Hope Award, for his support of peacekeeping efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq.