John Nutall

Gananoque, Ontario

Mr. Nuttall is a Veteran of the Second World War. He has been a member of the Gananoque Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion since 1955. During Veterans’ Week, he gives presentations to classes at three local schools. His talks have proven to be so popular that all three schools have produced videos of his presentations. He also regularly speaks to seniors at the Arthur Child Heritage Museum about his experiences. Mr. Nuttall is a strong supporter of his Legion branch and made a major contribution to the Branch Building Fund. He also funded the construction of a display case which holds medals awarded to local service personnel. Mr. Nuttall participated in the compilation of the book "Gananoque Remembers," where he dictated a description of the death and burial of a comrade, Sergeant Jack Lachapelle. This description also appears on the Veterans Affairs Virtual War Memorial Web site page. Mr. Nuttall plans to donate many of the items he acquired during the war to the Canadian War Museum or to the Artillery Museum in Shilo, Manitoba.