John Reilly

A Veteran of the Korean War, Mr. Reilly has shown great enthusiasm and dedication over the years in promoting remembrance in the city of Winnipeg. He organized the annual Battle of Vimy Ridge Ceremony in the city for over 18 years. As a result of his hard work, the event is always successful and meaningful and is well attended by Veterans, dignitaries, youth and the community. The 90th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge in 2007 was Mr. Reilly's last year planning this event as he handed over the reins to others in the community eager to continue his legacy. In addition to organizing commemorative activities, Mr. Reilly provides a helping hand to other Veterans in his community. As a member of his local Legion, he has held numerous positions including Service Officer. In this role he provided support and information to his fellow Veterans to help them with their pension and benefit claims. Mr. Reilly's continuous efforts to improve the life of Veterans and to honour and remember their sacrifices and achievements has enriched the city of Winnipeg.