John-Scott Beaton

Mr. John-Scott Beaton has been a dedicated advocate, volunteer and supporter of Veterans for over 45 years. Through his work with Scouts Canada and the Royal Canadian Legion, he has given thousands of hours of his time towards their well-being.

Mr. Beaton offers social and medical support services to Veterans throughout the City of Calgary by regularly taking ill or injured Veterans to coffee and to functions, and making sure they can attend Remembrance Day services. He has also worked with mayors and city councilors over the years to better the lives of Calgary Veterans and their families by helping to raise money with Canadian Armed Forces personnel to allow family members of Veterans to join Scouts Canada and become leaders in scouting.

Mr. Beaton also volunteers with the Calgary Veterans Food Bank, conducting fundraising through donation drives with Scouts Canada. Through two decades of tireless work, he has raised thousands of dollars in both money and food for Veterans and their families in the Greater Calgary area. He has also raised the spirits of many children of Veterans and Canadian Armed Forces personnel deployed overseas during the Christmas holidays over the last 45 years by portraying Santa Claus. This little gesture has benefitted hundreds of families in what would otherwise be a difficult time.