John Walsh

Mr. Walsh is a Second World War Merchant Navy Veteran. As an active member of the Canadian Merchant Navy Veterans Association, Mr. Walsh campaigned to ensure compensation for the contribution of the Merchant Seamen during wartime. Mr. Walsh assists Merchant Navy Veterans with their pension claims to ensure they receive benefits to which they are entitled. Mr. Walsh spent countless hours on the committee that was instrumental in having the Veterans' Memorial Park built in 2005 in Bridgewater, where the Merchant Navy now has a memorial. Mr. Walsh has been a loyal member of The Royal Canadian Legion for more than 30 years, and serves on a number of committees including the House Committee where his expertise as a Civil Engineer assisted the Legion with structural and building design. Mr. Walsh is the recipient of the Queen's Golden Jubilee and the RCL's 75th Anniversary Medal for his efforts on behalf of Merchant Navy Veterans.