Joseph Bishara

In 1985, Mr. Bishara, a junior high school educator for 28 years, along with 12 students created the Maple Grove Memorial Club, a club well-known in Yarmouth, whose membership is comprised of approximately 200 members. The membership now includes students from the Yarmouth Consolidated Memorial High School, who together work under his guidance to provide services to veterans of the region and country in many aspects of their daily lives. The youth volunteers visit Veteran's Place (a veterans' residence), organize Remembrance Day services and activities at their schools and in many communities outside Yarmouth. The Memorial Club members make two annual trips to Camp Hill Veterans Hospital in Halifax. Three years ago, Mr. Bishara organized a trip for 210 Club members to visit Ottawa veterans in long-term care institutions and hospitals. Mr. Bishara is tireless at teaching youth about veterans' sacrifices and contributions, and Canada's military history during wartime. He also stresses the importance of perpetuating the memory of those who gave their lives for our freedom, including three members from his family who made the supreme sacrifice.