Judith Ann Stinson

Ms. Judy Stinson has been a member of The Royal Canadian Legion and Ladies Auxiliary for over forty-four years. She has served on the executive of the Ladies Auxiliary in almost every position of leadership, including President at both the local branch level and provincially. She also served as Zone Commander for ten years. Ms. Stinson has worked diligently on poppy campaigns, liaised between the Army Cadets Corps and the Legion, has been a member of the Colour Party, has been the billeting chair for conventions and much more. Ms. Stinson is also a member of The Royal Canadian Legion Outreach and Visitation Initiative where she visits Veterans living in long-term care facilities and submits a summary of her visits to Dominion Command and Veterans Affairs Canada. Outside of this formal arrangement, she has been visiting with local Veterans at long-term care homes, as well as Veterans’ hospitals for many years. Ms. Stinson is also involved with annual events at the Legion including a Veterans’ dinner and social evening and the delivery of Christmas gift baskets to Veterans. She has also, on many occasions, accompanied Veterans of the local Veterans’ hospitals to a fully-accessible lakefront facility in her region. Being a member of a family with a long and proud history of military service, Ms. Stinson believes whole-heartedly in honouring, respecting and remembering those who have served our country.