Judith Williamson

Victoria, British Columbia

Ms. Williamson is a Canadian Forces Veteran who volunteers much of her time within the Veteran community and local organizations. She has volunteered with the God’s Acre Candlelight Ceremony organizing committee for eight years. She obtained donations from local businesses to help cover hospitality at the event, and also visited local schools with press kits to advertise the event and encourage youth participation. It was the first year The Royal Canadian Legion was leading the annual event, and because of the dedication displayed by such volunteers as Ms. Williamson, the event was a great success. Ms. Williamson also visits retirement residences and local churches to advertise commemorative events. She volunteered to assist Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) at the Victoria School Learning Event held at the Royal British Columbia Museum from November 5–11, 2008. VAC had a booth which displayed a replica of a Second World War camp and jeep, where school children and the general public could have their picture taken. More than 12,000 visitors passed through the museum that week, and Ms. Williamson was present every day, assisting with the operation of the booth and shepherding school children from booth to booth.