Keith Inches

Regina, Saskatchewan

Mr. Inches served in the Canadian Forces for 37 years, retiring as a Major. Following retirement, he has devoted considerable time and energy to preserving Canada's military history. Mr. Inches created the Saskatchewan Military Museum 24 years ago and has been curator ever since. Mr. Inches has exhibited military artifacts in Saskatchewan, Manitoba and the United States. He has participated in numerous training courses with the Organization of Military Museums in Canada as well as the United States Army Museum Course. Mr. Inches was instrumental in the creation of an annual Remembrance Day for children in Regina, which has been in existence for more than 10 years. Last year, close to 700 youth took part in services honouring Veterans at the Regina Armouries. Mr. Inches ensured stained glass windows, which depict First and Second World War scenes at a church, were saved and are now displayed at the armoury, following the demolition of the church. Mr. Inches also assisted with fundraising efforts to restore a famous D-Day painting by artist Orville Fisher.