Kerry Robert Mould

Woodlawn, Ontario

Kerry Mould is a Veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces nominated for his dedication to the Canadian Association of Veterans of UN Peacekeeping (CAVUNP).

He became Secretary of the John Gardam Chapter of CAVUNP in 2013 and has been instrumental in keeping the chapter organized. He digitized historical and key current records and was a driving force behind the creation of the branch website. He is in regular contact with the chapter’s members, seeking out shut-ins, calling and visiting Veterans and ensuring they’re supported at commemorative ceremonies and chapter events. He also ensures all members are informed of important Veterans Affairs Canada policy changes.

He has organized the chapter Christmas party and monthly chapter breakfasts since 2013.

Since 2015, he has planned and executed National Peacekeeping Day commemoration activities at Reconciliation, the Peacekeeping Monument in Ottawa. He has worked to ensure cooperation among the various partners to execute a very successful event. If there is a need, he is always willing to step into a leading role, something he did for the National Peacekeeping Parade 2017, and does regularly for presentations with Encounters with Canada.

He is also an active member of the Veterans Affairs Canada Ministerial Mental Health Advisory Group.