Laurence Motiuk

Ottawa, Ontario

A Veteran of the Second World War and of the Korean War, Mr. Motiuk has dedicated much of his post-war life to ensuring that the sacrifices and achievements of Veterans are never forgotten. Mr. Motiuk authored the book "Thunderbirds at War: Diary of a Bomber Squadron," which has been acclaimed as a model in Air Force literature. His recent book "Thunderbirds for Peace: Diary of a Transport Squadron," covers the history of 426 Squadron and its global peacekeeping and other missions between 1945 and 1962. Through his writing, Mr. Motiuk has reached out to the families and children of Veterans, generating in them a growing sense of pride and interest in their Canadian military history. As President of 426 Squadron Association from 1994 to 2004, Mr. Motiuk was a driving force behind the recovery of a Squadron Halifax bomber and crew in Belgium. Each year, the association presents the Canadian Forces' active squadron with a painting of an aircraft flown by the unit providing a heritage link to the past for a younger generation of servicemen and servicewomen.