Lawrence Truelove

Mr. Truelove is a Canadian Armed Forces Veteran. He served on the Milton Village Commission for over six years, during which time he was instrumental in initiating several improvements to the Village. He assisted in having the war monument refurbished and moved from an obscure and difficult to access location to a community park. Mr. Truelove also arranged for the relocation of an old war cannon to the same park. He organizes and conducts Milton’s Remembrance Day services each year at the community hall and at the monument. Mr. Truelove is a life member, as well as past president, entertainment chairperson and service officer of his local RCL branch. He is also a long-serving chaplain of his Royal Canadian Naval Association branch. In that role, he developed a candlelight memorial service to commemorate the 24 Royal Canadian Navy ships and their crews lost during the Battle of the Atlantic. In addition to his work as chaplain, Mr. Truelove also developed a military funeral format and procedures for his branch.