Leo Kirwin

Salford, Ontario

A Second World War Veteran with service in the Royal Canadian Navy, Mr. Kirwin is Treasurer of the Ingersoll Branch No. 119 of The Royal Canadian Legion (RCL), and has been a representative of the RCL's Zone Branch No. 2 for more than 15 years. Devoted and committed to the cause and well-being of Veterans, Mr. Kirwin makes regular visits to Veterans at the Parkwood Hospital in London. In addition to paying special attention to the needs of the residents, Mr. Kirwin entertains and spends quality time with Veterans who are confined to wheelchairs. Mr. Kirwin takes an active role in the lives of the residents and seeks to improve their quality of life by organizing concerts, games and bingo. He also organizes outings for Parkwood Veterans who are mobile together with local Legion Branch members. Over the years, Mr. Kirwin has been a staunch promoter of the Ontario District B Hospital fund and was also a founder of "Participation House", in London, Ontario. In recognition of his outstanding work with and on behalf of Veterans, Mr. Kirwin received the Citizenship Award in January 2003. A generous individual, he has shared the monetary donation from this award with the RCL's Poppy Fund and Participation House.