Leslie White

A Canadian Forces Veteran, Mr. Leslie White has a deep, personal interest in the cause of remembrance. His father served in both the First and Second World Wars, his sister served in the Second World War and his son, Leslie Jr, is currently serving in the Canadian Forces. Following his own discharge from the Royal Canadian Navy, Mr. White joined The Royal Canadian Legion and he has been a branch member for more than 50 years. He has served as President of Grand Falls Branch No. 12 and he has also served as Chairman of both the Poppy Campaign and the Sick Visiting Committee. He was awarded the Legion’s 50th, 60th and 75th Jubilee Medals in recognition of his faithful service. He regularly speaks to students and cadets on remembrance and he has taken a special interest in showing the Branch’s military artifacts to local youth. Mr. White has gained an excellent reputation as an organizer and he is often called up to handle logistical matters. He has made an outstanding contribution to the work of Branch No. 12 for the betterment of Veterans, families and the local community.