Lieutenant-Commander (Retired) Peter Gerald Townsend MMM, CD

Lieutenant Commander (Retired) Peter Gerald Townsend took his full retirement from the Canadian Armed Forces in 2000. He is nominated for his generous service with the Navy League of Canada, Cadets Canada and with The Royal Canadian Legion.

LCdr Townsend has been a member the Legion for 32 years. In this time, he has served in many executive positions such as 1st Vice President, President, Past President and chairperson of various committees with Branch 122. In 1992, he was appointed as the Base Cornwallis Liaison Officer for the Clemensport and Digby branches, the Cornwallis Navy League Branch and the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps Cornwallis. In 1993, he served on the West Nova Scotia Regiment’s Committee to mark the 50th anniversary of the Regiment.

LCdr Townsend has also been involved with the Nova Scotia Mainland Division (NSMD) of the Navy League of Canada. In 2002, he became Regional Director of the NSMD, in 2003 Vice President of the Sea Cadets NSMD, in 2004 President of the NSMD and in 2006 he was elected National Director and Division President Representative.

In 2015, he served on the Legion committees dedicated to the commemoration of Canada’s engagement in the Second World War and the anniversary of Korean War. Since 2016, he has been volunteering with an outreach and visitation partnership initiative between VAC and the Legion, visiting Veterans in long-term care facilities throughout Western Nova Scotia. He has completed over 250 visits during this time.