Linda Cyr

Mrs. Cyr was involved in Veteran activities in her community of Terrebonne for more than 30 years. She participated and was involved in as many commemorative ceremonies in the town of Terrebonne as her schedule permitted. From 1994 to 2009, Mrs. Cyr was the president of the "Friends of the Veterans of Terrebonne" Association. As president, she was devoted to the well-being of members and ensured Veterans had a calm, relaxing place where they could meet, share stories and develop new friendships. Mrs. Cyr is an honorary member of The Royal 22nd Regiment and the Korea Veterans Association of Canada, and she has volunteered with the local Cadet corps. In addition to her volunteerism within the Veteran community, Mrs. Cyr was also heavily involved with fund raising activities which benefitted the needy, provided breakfasts for local school children, and assisted a local choir organization. She has already begun to get involved in her new community and has attended two ceremonies.