Lionel Bourcier

Mr. Lionel Bourcier is a Second World War Veteran. He is one of the founding members of The War Pensioners of Canada, North Shore Branch, Espanola. For many years, Mr. Bourcier has held the position of Pension Adjustment Officer, where his knowledge of the Pension Act and his enthusiasm for assisting Veterans with pension and health care issues have proven to be invaluable. He also remains committed to ensuring the needs of his comrades are met, and often personally drives and accompanies them to doctor=s appointments and hearings. Mr. Bourcier also gives freely of his time as a member of the Sick and Visiting Committee. Spending time with Veterans at home or in the hospital, he ensures that the Veterans remain connected to their community. Today, Mr. Bourcier is helping to ensure that a deceased Veteran of the First World War receives a proper grave marker and that his grave is appropriately recognized.