Lori Atkinson Smith

Lori Smith is nominated for her many years of service with the Hong Kong Veterans Commemorative Association (HKVCA).

Ms. Smith is the daughter of a Veteran of the Battle of Hong Kong. As the southwestern Ontario “area rep” for the HKVCA, she ensured that Veterans and widows in her area received the assistance they needed. She also organized a number of commemorative events.

Since the early 2000’s, she has been the Ontario Membership Coordinator and is responsible for maintaining the contact list for all HKVCA members in Ontario. Around the same time, she became the inaugural Editor and Publisher of the HKVCA Ontario Newsletter, which was distributed to all members in the province.

Recently, She has taken responsibility for the HKVCA Commemorative Plaque and the Gravestone Marker program. The plaque outlines the story of the Battle of Hong Kong and is offered to Veterans’ organizations free of charge. To date, 53 plaques have been installed across Canada, each with a ceremony helping to educate and raise awareness to the sacrifices made during the Battle of Hong Kong. The Gravestone Marker program is offered to families of deceased Battle of Hong Kong Veterans for display on the Veteran’s gravestone.