Lt.-Cmdr. Gerald W. Pash SBStJ, CD

Victoria, British Columbia

In his civilian occupations and as a Canadian Forces reservist, Lt.-.Cmdr. Pash has over the years made significant contributions to the Remembrance of Veterans' sacrifice. As a principal in the radio station in Penticton he hosted an open line radio show in which he regularly invited Veterans to share their wartime experiences. He personally hosted live coverage of Remembrance Day parades and encouraged attendance at the ceremonies. A keen supporter of the Royal Canadian Legion (RCL) and its activities, he was made honorary member of the local Branch in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the RCL and its members. As the commanding officer of the Air Cadet Squadron, he ensured that the cadets were engaged in the annual Poppy Campaigns. Presently, a public affairs officer for Maritime Forces Pacific Headquarters and the Regional Cadet Support Unit Pacific in Victoria, he regularly acts as MC for events such as parades to commemorate the Battle of the Atlantic, the Battle of Britain and Canadian Peacekeeping missions. Skilled in public speaking, Lt.-Cmdr Pash is often called by media organizations to speak and offer commentaries about historical facts on Canada's contributions to the Second World War. He also makes presentations to youth and other groups about the contributions of Canada's Veterans in war and peacetime and the importance of remembrance. Lt.-Cmdr Pash has been a powerful advocate on behalf of Veterans and has made a tremendous contribution to the commemoration of their sacrifice and achievements.