Major James Barrett CD

Vancouver, British Columbia

Mr. Barrett is the Commanding Officer of the 2290 British Columbia Regiment Army Cadet Corps. He has served for more than 30 years as a member of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Reserves. He is currently a member of the Royal Canadian Military Institute and Past President of the Vancouver Garrison Officers’ Society. Over the past decade, he has been responsible for organizing the annual Military Ball in Vancouver, which honours both serving and retired military soldiers, sailors, and aircrew. Mr. Barrett has encouraged support for Veterans by involving cadets in the annual Poppy Day collection drives and in the annual Christmas Bingo events at George Derby Veterans Centre and Shaughnessy Hospital. He has arranged to have the regimental band participate in events, and had the regiment’s historic Second World War truck, limber and howitzer cannon brought for display. Mr. Barrett participated in the B.C. Day 150th year “Salute to our Veterans” celebration in 2008, the George Derby Veterans Centre annual September Celebrations from 2010 to 2012, and in the 2011 and 2012 ceremonies commemorating the Korean War, held in Burnaby Central Park. He also represented the CAF at the Walk for Korean War Veterans and Peace. He is currently a director with the British Columbia Regiment Association.