Marie Illingworth

Calgary, Alberta

Ms. Marie Illingworth has been a member of The Royal Canadian Legion for 16 years. During this time, she has volunteered countless hours with the Legion, Veterans, senior citizens, the Poppy Campaign and her community. She is currently the President of the Centennial Calgary Branch 285 and has held the positions of First and Third Vice President. She has served on the Poppy Committee as Chairman and Trustee, as well as on the Sick and Visiting Committee.

Ms. Illingworth is a member of the Colour Party for the Field of Crosses ceremonies, which commemorate those from Calgary and area who died during the First and Second World Wars. The services take place each morning in November leading up to Remembrance Day and end with one-on-one discussions with school children about the military, the World Wars and Canadian peacekeeping missions. Ms. Illingworth is also a member of the Colour Party, which performs small remembrance services at 10 nursing homes throughout South Calgary for those who are unable to attend services in their community. Currently, she is the Chairman for the Branch’s Poppy Campaign and also a director and co-chair of The Royal Canadian Legion Calgary Branches Poppy Fund.