Maureen Simon

A Veteran and a member of the Royal Canadian Legion for the past 24 years, Ms. Maureen Simon has been extremely generous with her time, giving many hours to help the Branch and Veterans alike.

She has chaired many committees and held several positions during her time with the Legion, including the role of Past President for the last two years. Ms. Simon is always finding time to help out fellow Veterans. She helps them in filling out forms to apply for benefits, hands out care baskets, flowers or cards on their birthday, and visits them in the Western Memorial Regional Hospital and other long-term care facilities and seniors’ residences across the city.

She is an active supporter of the annual Poppy Campaign, even helping organize the Cadet Poppy Drive in the area. She attends school assemblies and speaks to student from kindergarten to Grade 12 to teach them about the sacrifices made by Canada’s Veterans and the importance of Remembrance Day.