Maurice Carrière

Coteau-du-Lac, Quebec

A Second World War veteran, Mr. Carrière voluntarily enrolled in 1940 and served as an instructor in the Corps of Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. In 1945 he was honourably discharged. He has been a member of the Royal Canadian Legion in Ontario and Quebec for 57 years. Mr. Carrière is determined to preserve the memory of veterans among young Canadians. He has participated in numerous commemorative activities in local schools, giving talks and distributing educational materials to young people. In 2005, during the Year of the Veteran, Mr. Carrière made numerous efforts to present his Torch of Remembrance proposal to the Government of Canada. After visiting the National War Memorial in Ottawa, Mr. Carrière decided he would work on a project to bring the Act of Remembrance to the attention of as many people as possible using a photo montage of the monument with the poem superimposed on it. In recognition of his determination to raise youth awareness around the importance of Remembrance, his photo montage was published at his request on the Veterans Affairs Canada website—an excellent way, he says, to reach out to young people.