Michael Detheridge

Mr. Detheridge is a retired Canadian Forces Veteran. While serving with the Forces, he often assisted and acted as an advocate for retired and retiring service members applying for benefits from Veterans Affairs Canada. He has continued this work since his release in 1999. Mr. Detheridge is committed to the well being of his fellow Veterans, having volunteered his time from 1982 to 2009 to provide addiction and mental health counselling or referrals to retired Veterans. He works with St. John Ambulance and Scouts Canada, where he serves as counsellor, advisor and leader. In addition to his work on behalf of Veterans, Mr. Detheridge began mounting medals in 1982 for First and Second World War, Korean War, United Nations and NATO Veterans, free of charge. He continued to provide this service until 1997, when a medical condition prevented him from using his hands. Mr. Detheridge is a loyal member of the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry Association. He has been the editor of the Association’s newsletter for a number of years and advises on matters of honours and awards for the Association.