Michael Martin

Mr. Martin is a retired Canadian Forces Veteran with two tours of duty as a United Nations Peacekeeper in Egypt and the Congo. He has been a member of The Royal Canadian Legion since 1968, and he is also currently a member of the Western Newfoundland Chapter of the Canadian Association of Veterans in UN Peacekeeping (CAVUNP). Mr. Martin is an amateur military historian whose research has led to the publication of three websites commemorating the service of Veterans: one on the history of the Northwest Territories and Yukon Radio System which has been recognized by Heritage Canada and is now an integral part of the display at the Canadian Military Electronics and Communications Museum; one on Veterans from Labrador who served in the First World War, Second World War, and Korean War; and one for The Royal Canadian Legion Branch #13. In 2009, Mr. Martin was asked by the Branch Executive and the Executive of the Western Newfoundland Chapter of CAVUNP to update and upgrade the Branch's Memorial Wall. As an adjunct to this memorial, Mr. Martin also created a Book of Remembrance on each of the individuals listed on the Memorial Wall. Mr. Martin is involved with the Peacekeeper's Remembrance Project where his local CAVUNP chapter places flags and crosses to mark the final resting places of Veterans in their area. Mr. Martin was one of the prime movers in the establishment of a War Memorial in Cartwright, Labrador, to honour Veterans from Labrador. In 2005, the “Year of the Veteran”, Mr. Martin was invited by Veterans Affairs Canada to participate in the Calling Home Ceremony in Europe as one of the group of Spiritual Leaders representing aboriginal communities from across Canada.