Michael Simmons

Mr. Michael Simmons is a Veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces with over 28 years of service. Mr. Simmons became involved with the Royal Canadian Legion and became the Legion’s chaplain, as well as a member of the branch executive. Mr. Simmons has officiated at many Veterans funerals and spoken at many Remembrance Day, Battle of the Atlantic and Battle of Britain commemorative ceremonies and services. Mr. Simmons’ work has become essential within the Northumberland Veterans’ Unit. He is the Unit’s chaplain, provides visitation, conducts worship services, and provides invaluable end-of-life spiritual and practical support for Veterans and their families. Mr. Simmons is a strong advocate for Veterans within the unit, as well as for those living in the community. He works to ensure that all Veterans receive high quality and safe care. As a Veteran himself, Mr. Simmons is able to help articulate the concerns of a Veteran across his or her lifespan. Mr. Simmons also plays an active role on several committees. He has chaired the Sutherland Harris Memorial Hospital Foundation Committee, has been treasurer with the Northumberland Veterans Association (Veterans Comfort Fund) and has been a member of the Aberdeen Hospital Emergency Department Planning Committee. Mr. Simmons is also is a member of the Admiral Murray Royal Canadian Naval Association and honorary member of the Overseas War Veterans Association.