Michel Tailleux

Mr. Tailleux is a veteran of the French Army who immigrated to Canada in 1962. Since his arrival, he has been active in helping French and Canadian veterans. He participates in vari-ous Veterans Week activities every year, as well as November 11 commemorative ceremo-nies held in his community. He takes part in the Poppy Campaign and other fundraising activities in behalf of veterans, as well as Christmas meals and activities. Mr. Tailleux has helped many veterans in the Québec City area to obtain compensation. Mr. Tailleux has been a member of the Amis du Fonds des Anciens Combattants de Québec since 1972. He is cur-rently the president of that association. In 1999, Mr. Tailleux was awarded the Médaille du chevalier de l'Ordre national du mérite by the French government in recognition of his work volunteering with veterans.