Mitzi Ross

Ms. Mitzi Ross is the daughter of a Hong Kong Veteran, Lance Ross and a founding member of the Hong Kong Veterans Commemorative Association (HKVCA). The HKVCA has a mandate of educating Canadians on Canada’s role in the Far East theatre of war during the Second World War, and Ms. Ross is highly involved in its endeavors. The HKVCA organizes and is involved with a number of commemorative activities and conventions. For these activities, Ms. Ross contacts the Association’s Veterans and their families to see if they are able and available to attend ceremonies and keeps track of any special requirements they might have. She takes on the responsibility of arranging all logistics such as transportation, accommodation, medical, nutritional and security needs and ensures Veterans and their caregivers and their families are comfortable and that their needs are met. Ms. Ross also completes the financial reports that are required by the Association. Presently, Ms. Ross sits as the regional representative for the HKVCA. In this role, Ms. Ross ensures that corporate communication reaches all membership and that members are informed of the Association’s activities. She frequently contacts Hong Kong Veterans and widows in the Eastern region to make sure their needs are being met. In 2015, Ms. Ross was elected to the Association’s Board of Directors. As a Director, she arranges the association’s participation in Veterans’ Week events to ensure the account of Hong Kong Veterans and the sacrifices they made in the Second World War are known to Canadians. She also solicits Veterans to speak at schools, and at other venues to tell the story of their service. She is currently the project manager for their database conversion.