Mortimer Lightstone

North York , Ontario

Captain Lightstone is a Canadian Armed Forces Veteran. During the Korean War, he served with the Royal Canadian Air Force. He is also one of the few Canadians who participated in the Vietnam War. With exemplary skills in administration and a keen eye for detail, Mr. Lightstone’s long-serving voluntary involvement has benefitted many organizations. He was president of the Toronto Warriors’ Day Parade Council for 20 years. He filled the position of national adjutant of the Jewish War Veterans of Canada for 35 years. For 20 years, he served as president of the Aircrew Association and was a five-year member of the National Council of Veteran Associations in Canada and four-year member of the Canadian Intelligence & Military Police Association. In 1967, Canada’s Centennial year, Mr. Lightstone designed and built a military caravan to bring the story of Canada’s 100 year military history to small Manitoba towns and villages. Still active with the Historica Canada Memory Project, Mr. Lightstone speaks to more than 2,000 students annually.