Mr. Alan Hayes

Mr. Hayes is a retired Canadian Forces Veteran. Many years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Hayes took it upon themselves to visit all the cemeteries in Harvey, York County and surrounding area to locate headstones bearing the name of Veterans. Their intent was to explore the possibility of placing small metal crosses made with flag holders at the grave sites. With help from families, friends, and from their own pocket, Mr. and Mrs. Hayes raised the funds necessary to produce these crosses and purchase the small Canadian flags. Both Mr. Hayes and his wife, continually patrol the cemeteries and replace any crosses or flags that have become damaged or disappear. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes were instrumental in persuading military friends throughout Atlantic Canada to undertake this project in their communities. Over the years, as a result of placing crosses and flags at Veterans' grave sites, he noticed at least 30 grave sites missing a headstone in the Fredericton and Harvey areas. Mr. Hayes researched the names and with the assistance of the Last Post Fund, had the headstones installed.