Mr. Harold Northrup

Mr. Northrup is a retired Veteran of the Royal Canadian Air Force. He is a 60-year member of The Royal Canadian Legion who served in all facets of his Branch and has held numerous positions on the Executive. He was instrumental in raising funds to have a new building constructed for his home Branch in Moss Glen, New Brunswick and continued raising funds to operate this Branch until he moved to Nova Scotia. Mr. Northrup is also a 60-year, Life Member of the Air Force Association of Canada and has served as President, Past President and Treasurer of his local Wing. He is currently serving as President of the Association for the province of Nova Scotia. Mr. Northrup chaired a committee to raise funds to have a cenotaph erected in Cole Harbour/Westphal. He is Treasurer of Veterans Organization Service Committee of Nova Scotia which supports Veterans in local hospitals with personal items such as televisions, chairs, and blankets. Mr. Northrup is Director and Past Vice President of the Shearwater Aviation Museum Foundation. For his generosity and community involvement, Mr. Northrup is a recipient of the Governor General's Caring Canadian Award.