Norman Winston McLoughlin

Mr. Norman McLoughlin is a Veteran with 49 years and six month of service in the Canadian Armed Forces. He has been a member of the Royal Canadian Legion for over 30 years and is also a member of the Royal Canadian Air Force Association and the Canadian Guards Association. He has been involved in the coordination of commemorative activities such as Remembrance Day parades and ceremonies. In an effort to promote education and spark an interest in Canada’s military history, he also provides equipment and learning materials to school and history classes. Mr. McLoughlin has been a cadet instructor for 15 years and, being a very accomplished piper himself and has also been the Ontario Regional Chief Cadet Piper Instructor for the last 10 years. He has helped over the years when he was available to assist the Service Officer. He has been a piper and played at the Legion for more than 40 years on Remembrance Day parades and our Fallen Veterans funerals. He also helped prepare meals, soups and sandwiches once a week in the Legion with his comrades. This initiative helps promote the local seniors and military personnel to join.