Okill Stuart

Mr. Okill Stuart is a Second World War Veteran who took part in the D-Day landing and the Battle of Normandy. Since then, he has been very active in preserving the memory of the war and the sacrifices made by Canadians. He was a founding director of the Juno Beach Centre. Mr. Stuart currently serves as Officer commanding of the Fort St. Helene Garrison in the 78th Fraser Highlanders Regiment in Montreal and in 2004, he was responsible for a visit to Balmoral Castle where the Regiment performed before the Queen and Prince Philip. His passion for commemoration is especially evident during Veterans' Week. In his interviews with the media and his regular visits to local high schools and service clubs, Mr. Stuart brings the message of remembrance and the sacrifices made by Canadians to protect our values. He also reads the Honour Roll in his church and sometimes acts as parade Marshall at his cenotaph. Mr. Stuart has received many honours including the Canada 125 Medal and the Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal in recognition of his remarkable generosity in giving of his time.