Paul Aucoin

Chief Warrant Officer, Mr. Aucoin, a Veteran of the Reserve Component of the Canadian Forces, served for 34 years and participated in several UN and NATO peacekeeping missions. Mr. Aucoin is a 19-year member of the Royal Canadian Legion. In 1970, Mr. Aucoin assisted his Legion Branch in establishing the "Veterans Heritage Museum Society of the Cheticamp Legion." During his travels overseas, Mr. Aucoin visited, at his own personal expense, numerous cemeteries and battlefields in order to collect information and develop displays for the Legion. More recently, Mr. Aucoin was the driving force behind the refurbishment of the Canadian Military Police Heritage Hall at CFB Borden. This museum is the only one solely dedicated to the memory of the Canadian Provost Corps, RCAF Service Police and RCN Naval Shore Patrol Veterans in the Canadian Forces. Mr. Aucoin serves as curator and Museum Officer and its success is largely due to his dedication in preserving and showcasing Veterans accomplishments. Mr. Aucoin has organized several military Veterans Associations reunions and special events. In 2000, he played a key role in the 60th Anniversary of the Canadian Provost Corps held at CFB Borden and the city of Kingston's Military Heritage Tattoo in 2001. Mr. Aucoin regularly lectures military and civilian personnel on Canada's military history particularly the contributions made by Canada's Veterans.