Paul Greensides

Ottawa, Ontario

Mr. Greensides is a retired warrant officer of the Canadian Army. Since his retirement, Mr. Greensides has volunteered on behalf of the many Veterans associated with the Canadian Association of Veterans in United Nations Peacekeeping (CANVUP). For the past 14 years, he has served as National Secretary/Treasurer and Membership Chairman of the Association. As Membership Chairman, Mr. Greensides is credited with increasing membership from 4 to 27 chapters. He is consistently one of the mainstay volunteers of CANVUP, representing the association at national meetings with Veterans organizations, the Department of National Defence and Veterans Affairs Canada. Mr. Greensides provides advice and counsel to the executive members of Veterans' organizations and is widely consulted with regard to national commemorative ceremonies and events held in Ottawa. Mr. Greensides is an active member of The Royal Canadian Legion.