Paul Gross

Mr. Gross is an award-winning Canadian actor, writer and director who holds a special place in his heart for Canadian Veterans. Mr. Gross grew up around the military. His father was a career army officer who commanded tank squadrons during the Korean and Cold Wars. His grandfather, a First World War Veteran, was his inspiration for writing, producing, directing and starring as Michael Dunne in the film Passchendaele. It was Mr. Gross' intention to re-ignite interest and pride in Canada's military history, something that was lacking in Canadian film. Passchendaele went on to be the highest grossing Canadian film of 2008. Mr. Gross, and International recording artist John McDermott, performed a special holiday concert for the Veterans at Sunnybrook Hospital in 2007. Mr. Gross has stated: "We should take enormous pride in our military history. We have always done yeoman service. Most Canadians don't know how accomplished we were in our sacrifice, or our forefathers' sacrifice."