Paul O'Boyle

Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Mr. Paul O’Boyle is a Canadian Armed Forces Veteran. Since his retirement in 1994, he has selflessly dedicated his time to numerous volunteer organizations and efforts, including countless hours assisting Veterans and their families.

As a current volunteer with the Royal Canadian Navel Benevolent Fund, the Last Post Fund and the Royal Canadian Legion, Mr. O’Boyle has taken it upon himself to develop considerable expertise in the benefits and services available to Veterans through these organizations as well as through, Veterans Affairs Canada and the Canadian Armed Forces. His willingness and availability to help Veterans in their time of need has quietly and effectively earned him the reputation as a “true champion for the betterment of Veterans.”

Mr. O’Boyle works one-on-one with Veterans to counsel them and to help them obtain the assistance they require and frequently will visit them in the hospital or in their private residences, ensuring they are aware and able to access the available services and benefits they require and demonstrating his care and compassion for his fellow Veterans. Mr. O’Boyle also reaches out to organizations, making presentations on the programs that Veterans can access and ensuring that the Veteran population is fully aware of what exists to support them.

Beyond these important duties, Mr. O’Boyle also volunteers with other community organizations, including the Circle of Care Society of Dartmouth, and the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul.