Percy G. Mercer

Bromley, Kent, International

A native of Bay Roberts, Newfoundland, Mr. Mercer is a Second World War Veteran who served with the 59th Regiment Royal Artillery in France, Holland and Germany. Mr. Mercer is an active member of The Royal Canadian Legion in the United Kingdom and has been representing the interests of Canadian Veterans abroad since the early 1950's. In 1973, Mr. Mercer became Secretary of the Canadian Veterans Association United Kingdom and in 1985, became its National Secretary - a position he holds to this day. In his capacity as Secretary, Mr. Mercer maintains the records of all members of the Branch, past and present, and helps them maintain contact with one another. A trustee of the Metcalf-Shannon Trust, Mr. Mercer ensures that the Trust's money is used to provide for the welfare of Canadian Veterans and their dependants in the United Kingdom. Mr. Mercer assists local Veterans with the organization of commemorative events and has been taking an active part in memorial ceremonies. Mr. Mercer also visits house-bound or ill Veterans within a 100 kilometre mile radius from his home and, often covers operational expenses out of his own pocket. Mr. Mercer promotes Veterans contributions, sacrifice and achievements, and his continued service to Veterans abroad, has been a great source of support and encouragement to the Veteran community.