Peter Milsom

North Gower, Ontario

Mr. Milsom is a Canadian Armed Forces Veteran. He is an active member of the Canadian Naval Air Group and has served as its national chairperson. He is currently in his fourth term as President of the Hampton Gray VC Chapter of the Canadian Naval Air Group. From 2005 to 2010, he served as the Canadian Naval Air Group’s national representative to the National Capital Region Committee for the Canadian Naval Centennial. Mr. Milsom has initiated, coordinated or sponsored 11 local and national projects, two of which were in collaboration with the Canadian Aviation and Space Museum and Vintage Wings of Canada. He has written five articles for national magazines and contributed material to two speeches for the Senate of Canada on the Canadian Navy. Mr. Milsom has helped to organize and co-host a national memorial event at the Canadian National War Memorial. He contributed to the crafting of a submission to Canada’s Aviation Hall of Fame and co-wrote the submission that successfully nominated Canadian Naval Aviation for formal recognition by the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada. He was also the co-chair of the committee to establish the Canadian Naval Aviation monuments in 2013.