Peter Worthington

Toronto, Ontario

The Toronto Sun's founder and Editor-in-Chief, Mr. Worthington is a Veteran of the Second World War and the Korean War. Mr. Worthington was an Air Gunner in the Second World War and an Intelligence Officer in the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI) in Korea. He is recognized as one of the foremost writers on military matters. His column, well-beloved by the Veteran Community, reflects the popular mood of the moment, as they are always informative, frequently entertaining and eminently readable. Over the years, Mr. Worthington has been a powerful voice and advocate of Veterans' rights and benefits. He was a member of a delegation to Korea in July 2003 ' a pilgrimage organized on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Korean War Armistice. A champion of Veterans' interests, he has also covered major events, reporting from numerous hot spots around the world. Mr. Worthington has and continues to make an outstanding contribution to the perpetuation of the memory of the sacrifice and contributions of all Canadian Veterans, and brings to his writings a unique knowledge and understanding regarding the role of Canada's Veterans in the Korean War.