Petty Officer, 1st Class (Retired) J. Gaylord Kingston

Mr. J. Gaylord Kingston is a 30-year Veteran of the Royal Canadian Navy, retiring in 1982. He was a charter member of the Atlantic Chief and Petty Officers Association in 1988 and has been the President for the past 20 years. This organization would have folded if not for Mr. Kingston’s efforts. He has organized several reunions to bring old comrades together, including the 2018 reunion.

He arranges for the Veterans at Camp Hill Veterans Hospital in Halifax to be visited on a regular basis, and he organizes monthly visitations with music, tea, coffee and treats. He organizes the Christmas visit to the hospital and ensures every Veteran receives a gift from the Association.

Each summer he attends the Sea Cadets Camp in Cornwallis to present the Best Cadet Award on behalf of the Atlantic Chief and Petty Officers Association.