Randall Cornelius Stowell

Randal Cornelius Stowell is a Veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces with 36 years of service nominated for his service with the NATO Veterans Organization of Canada and The Royal Canadian Legion.

He has sat on the National Board of Directors for the NATO Veterans Organization of Canada since 2015 and is presently serving as President. In this role, he meets with senior Veterans Affairs Canada officials and rallies parliamentarians to advocate on behalf of Veterans and their families. He also attends commemorative and memorial events as a representative of the organization.

He has been a member of The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 245, Merrickville since 2009. From 2010-2017, he sat on the Executive, including service for four terms as Branch President, Chair of the Sports Committee, Branch Poppy Chair, Chair of the Poppy Committee, and as Master of Ceremonies for the annual Remembrance Day ceremonies. As President, he has shown great judgement and leadership in overseeing the entirety of the branch activities.

As a result of his efforts, the branch successfully obtained two federal grants to upgrade accessibility. This resulted in the installation of an elevator and wheelchair lift in the building. He has spent countless hours performing day-to-day maintenance at the branch and was the “Chief Cook” for four years for monthly dinners.

He continues to perform speaking engagements and monthly visits to hospitalized Veterans.