Raymond Glover

Delta, British Columbia

Mr. Raymond Glover is a retired member of the Canadian Forces. After serving in the Cadet Corps, he joined the British Columbia Regiment, Royal Canadian Armoured Corps. Mr. Glover's interest in helping Veterans started when he was a young man. As a cadet he was always proud to parade with Veterans and provide what support they needed. This continued when he joined the Regiment. Mr. Glover participated in all the Regiment's Veterans' activities and Brigade Veterans' activities in the Vancouver East areas. Upon retirement from the Regiment in the late 1960s, Mr. Glover pursued a career with Woodward's Department Stores. During his 30 years with Woodward's, Mr. Glover supported Veterans employed at with the company and was available for sound advice and encouragement - support which continues to this day. Mr. Glover is a fundraiser and an organizer for needy Veterans and others by procuring food from vendors and coordinating Christmas dinners for the homeless in conjunction with the Salvation Army and Catholic charities. Mr. Glover is a member of the BC Veterans' Commemorative Society which liaises with Veterans Affairs Canada on commemorative events. During the Year of the Veteran, Mr. Glover was a member of the steering committee that arranged a parade from the cenotaph to Chinatown's Veterans' Community Hall followed by social activities. Additionally, Mr. Glover maintains strong links between cadets and Veterans and maintains contact with many other Veterans' organizations including The Royal Canadian Legion, on behalf of the British Columbia Regiment Association. A tireless advocate on behalf of Veterans, Mr. Glover is a source of inspiration to his community.