Raymonde Marie Louise Brosseau

Ms. Raymonde Louise Marie Brosseau’s contributions and service to the Ladies Auxiliary Branch of Gold River’s Royal Canadian Legion Branch 270 date back almost three decades. For 17 years, she held the role of Branch President. As the wife of a former Air Force serviceman, Ms. Brosseau was no stranger to the important work accomplished by the Legion on behalf of Veterans, but she found that her drive to support Veterans in her community did not stop at performing an administrative role.

Ms. Brosseau has been instrumental in the success of so many local events that it is impossible to list them all. For example, she ran the bingo canteen, ensuring players had a clean and pleasant environment and plenty of sandwiches to enjoy. Each year, after laying a wreath at the Remembrance Day ceremony, you can find her passing out hot chocolate to the local youth. Whether organizing and participating in events or recruiting volunteers in the community, Ms. Brosseau always demonstrated great leadership amongst her peers and residents alike.

The positive contributions this dedicated individual has made to the Veteran community over the past 26 years have earned her the gratitude of the community. In recognition of her efforts, she was presented with an Honourary Lifetime Membership in the Ladies Auxiliary.