Reid Smith

Moncton, New Brunswick

Mr. Smith is a Special Events Coordinator for the Codiac Regional Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) in Moncton. He has been an advocate for Veterans for many years. In 2001, Veterans were relocated to a new facility, the Veterans Health Centre, no longer on Moncton’s Remembrance Day event route. Not wanting Veterans to miss out on local ceremonies, Mr. Smith took action, organizing a ceremony at the new facility. Now in its 14th year, this annual event, “Honour A Vet Program”, includes a performance by the RCMP Pipes and Drums. The names of each veteran resident is also engraved and presented on a plaque that states “In Recognition of Your Contribution to Your Country During War and Peace Time” with each resident also presented with a certificate. In 2005, Mr. Smith also helped organize the Troop Train to Ottawa and served as an escort on the War Brides Train to Ottawa a year later. He continues to stay in touch and to maintain his countrywide rapport with these Veterans and War Brides.