Robert Collins

Mr. Collins is a Canadian Forces Veteran. Since retirement, he has served with the Corps of Commissionaires. Mr. Collins is a member of The Royal Canadian Legion and has been service officer as well as chairman of the Poppy Fund. Mr. Collins is president of the Mark Isfled Memorial Chapter of the Canadian Association of Veterans in United Nations Peacekeeping (CANVUP). He attends all parades and is a liaison advisor on peacekeeping and Veteran issues with local media. Mr. Collins is the Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) representative of his association in Victoria. He routinely organizes visits to Veterans in hospital. He collects wheelchairs and medical supplies for the International Community for the Relief of Starvation and Suffering, a peacekeeping charity. He assists VAC in Victoria with the set up and taking down of their annual Candlelight Ceremony. During Veterans' Week, he speaks to students about the accomplishments of Canadian peacekeepers. To honour his comrades, Mr. Collins is responsible for ordering bronze peacekeeping plaques for local cenotaphs.