Robert Duplessis

Mr. Duplessis is a Veteran of the Normandy campaign during Second World War, where he was severely wounded resulting in the amputation of all digits of his right hand. Mr. Duplessis belongs to the Montreal Branch of the Black Watch Association, the Black Watch Association in the United Kingdom and is a life member of the Warrant Officers and Sergeant's Mess. As part of these organizations, he has often represented Second World War Veterans from his regiment at various commemorative ceremonies including the 80th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge in France. Mr. Duplessis regularly visits Veterans residing at Ste. Anne's Hospital where members of his regiment perform a Christmas concert with pipes and drums. As current President for the War Amps, Quebec Chapter, Mr. Duplessis works diligently to ensure all eligible Veterans are in receipt of the special programs offered. He is also in contact with Veterans serving in Afghanistan to ensure they are aware of the services available to them. Mr. Duplessis takes much pride in the work he does with the War Amps' Child Program (CHAMP), which offers services to child amputees and their families.